Copyright © 2010 by Kathryn Buck

Wednesday 26 May 2010

Was that Summer I just saw flying past in a blur?

We had gorgeous weather this weekend, it was 28.c in our garden on Sunday. I love sunny weather, I think I must have been a lizard in another life - I just love the heat! 

I don't sun bathe (my skin is so white, the sun bounces off me and burns everyone else!) but I do love being warm, I love how everything glows in the golden light, I love how just a little bit of sunshine makes everything else seem alright. I was really starting to feel worn out by the long, unusually cold winter we've had so this little glimpse of the summer has made me feel loads better. 

On Sunday, I spent time on a blanket, reading my Lonely Planet magazine in the park in the next village while my P and his friends played basket ball in the court next to me. I finally got to photosynthesise! And it's a good job, because now the sun is nowhere to be seen! It's dark, it's raining and it is 12.c! Yes, twelve. We've gone right back to winter! Was that it? Is that all we get this year? You think I'm being mellow dramatic, but for the last three years (since the big Sheffield flood of 2007 - I'll tell you all about that on the anniversary of it) we've only had about two weeks of summer and the rest has been rain!

I've been looking at some of my favourite beach photos to remind my self that the sun does still exist... somewhere in the world!

This was taken in Honolulu (Hawaii) on my honeymoon. It was our first morning there and we went for a long walk along Waikiki beach to try and air off our jet lag! The first thing that struck me in Honolulu was the smell. It was like rain on a hot evening, flowers crushed under foot, vanilla... I couldn't help but breathe a little deeper and a bit slower just so I could savour that beautiful scent. If I close my eyes and breathe in deep enough, I can almost smell it now.

This picture was also taken in Hawaii, this time on the Island of Kauai (aka the garden island). Can you imagine anything more tranquil? I just love this little family snuggled in the shade of their colourful sun umbrella like they are the only people in the world.

This is the main island of Hawaii. I don't think anything says "Aloha" like this picture. This is exactly what I expected Hawaii to look like and I wasn't disappointed.

This picture was taken in Kerala, India. I wasn't there, it was way before me and my P met but it is one of my all time favourite photos. 

This is Sardinia but could be anywhere in the world. Close your eyes. Can you hear the waves, lapping against the shore?

This is also Sardinia, near Oristano and was taken on my birthday last year. The sea looked so inviting but we didn't have our cossies. We walked up and down the beach side shops hoping to be able to buy some but no where sold them! We were very tempted to go skinny dipping!

Another Sardinia shot. This giant arch was created by the fast current wearing away the rock over the years. Kids were flying round and around on big rubber rings on the whirl pool. That little white thing you can see falling off the rock is my P.... if only you could hear what he was screaming!

Robin Hoods Bay near Whitby, England. Not really a beach and not very sunny but this picture reminds me of a lovely little trip (for my birthday again) with my P and his parents. We had such a lovely time visiting all the little beaches near by.

This is the end of my brothers garden in Portsmouth, England. That's his jetty sticking out in the left hand corner. It's not his boat though. He wishes it was! He has a lovely little family of swans who come visiting every morning.

Roll on next holiday! I can't wait for some more of the good stuff!

Don't forget about my little giveaway - I've only had 5 entries so far which is a bit disappointing! I was hoping some new friends might come out of the woodwork but it's all quiet on the Western Front so far! Please have a look and share your gardening ideas with me!

Hope you are all enjoying the sun... somewhere in the world!


  1. It has been just nasty here too. You know it is bad when a native of the Pacific NW starts getting cranky about the rain...I am sorry I haven't given you much help with the garden but will try to find something tonight after another trip to the jungle...

  2. I have a couple of ideas now. Those chimneys like we have in the back (yesterdays post), well I love that on a chilly evening and it can be moved around without a problem. Plants..We have hostas here in Vancouver and they do well in the shade plus you can devide them every so often (free plants). Another that grows very easy is Vinca and it likes shade and will spread if you let it. I would always have these in my yard. Good luck.

  3. Hello!
    I LOVE your pictures! My favorite place is the beach!

    Thanks for stopping by my blog today! :)
